Saturday 17 September 2011

Kampala, Uganda food prices

To continue the enduring theme of this blog, here are some more comparative prices from shops. This time in Kampla.

Pasta (standard)= 2800 UGX = 0.64 GBP
Pasta (Fettucine) = 7000 UGX = 1.59 GBP
Bolognese sauce = 10000 UGX = 2.27 GBP
Coke (1 can) = 1800 UGX = 0.41 GBP
Beer (Club) = 2200 UGX = 0.50 GBP
Beer (in a hotel) = 5000 UGX = 1.14 GBP
Wine (average) = 30000 UGX = 6.82 GBP
Petrol (litre) = 3800 UGX = 0.87 GBP